This paper describes Asynchronous Active Values (AAV), a framework for the production of reactive web interfaces that use API-based web service back-ends. Such interfaces are now becoming common due to API-oriented application development and more sophisticated post-Web2.0 mashups. A significant feature of such interfaces is the need for feedback when parts of the page display are in some way temporarily invalid, or in flux, while potentially slow API calls are responding to requests. AAV extends existing methods such as access-oriented programming and the observer pattern, by including a 'changing' event in addition to the normal 'onChange' to enable intermediate feedback.
Keywords: AJAX, user-interface architecture, asynchronous update, web development
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Fig1. in-flux indicators –
"Sending..." in Gmail .
Fig. 2: in-flux indicators –
messages loading in Facebook
Fig. 3: Query-by-Browsing for SemWeb
[zoom image]
Fig. 4: Interaction and external
state in MVC
[zoom image]
Fig. 9: Main states of AAV
[zoom image]