Human-Computer Interaction 3e ­ Dix, Finlay, Abowd, Beale

mapping e3 2e


There are updates throughout, but this summarises the more substantial changes and the restructuring of the content. The detailed chapters on different techniques and models have been moved from the old parts 2 and 3 into a new part 3. This, we hope, makes part 2 easier for shorter course allowing teachers to choose parts of part 3 appropriate for their courses.

Part One: Foundations

1. The human (was Ch 1)
updates include emotion
2. The computer (was Ch 2)
updates include stronger focus on broader range of devices including physical sensors, situated displays etc.
3. The interaction (was Ch 3)
added material on designing experience
Screen design (old 3.7) has moved to new Ch 5
4. Paradigms (was 4.2)
ubicomp updated

Part Two: Design Process

5. Interaction design basics (new)
Brief introduction to theories, methods, models ­ cover most common methods e.g. scenarios, general navigation diagrams, simple task analysis, basic screen design (was 3.7)
6. HCI in the software process (was Ch 5)
Standards and Guidelines (5.3) has moved to 7.??
7. Design rules (was 4.3)
standards/guidelines (was 5.3)
Golden Rules, heuristics, poss. patterns
8. Implementation support (was Ch 10)
9. Evaluation techniques (was Ch 11)
Include issues of evaluating multimedia, web group systems (out of Ch14 (old) (see below) + objective techniques
added experimental studies and field studies from old chap 14.5.4 and 14.5.5
10. Universal design (was 15.9, 15.2 - 15.7)
Intro on redundancy and support for diversity ­ disability, age (elderly/children), gender, etc. then cover different modalities + haptic/tactile bio-feedback.
11. User support (was Ch 12)

Part Three: Models and Theories

12. Cognitive models (was 6.6 - 6.11)
13. Socio-organizational issues and stakeholder requirements (was 6.2 - 6.5, 14.6)
Revised and extended existing + activity theory, semiotics, contextual enquiry, ethnography, participatory design (inc. from old chap 14)
14. Communication and collaboration models (was 14.1 - 14.5)
stuff about organizational issues -> ch 13
evalation (14.5.4, 14.5.5) -> ch 9
15. Task analysis (was 7)
16. Dialogue notations and design (was Ch 8)
17. Models of the system (was 9, except 9.4 -> new Ch 18)
additional material on modelling continuous interaction
18. Modelling rich interaction (new)
status event analysis from old 9.4
including ecological features into task analysis low-attention / low-intention interaction

Part Four: Outside the Box

19. Groupware (was Ch 13)
20. Ubiquitous computing and augmented realities (was 15.8, 15.10 - 15.11)
ubicomp section substantially updated and extended
21 . Hypertext, multimedia, and the world wide web (was Ch 16)
substantially updated + dynamic web content


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