CHAPTER 15 task models
- CTAresource.com - a digital library
of cognitive task analysis materials sponsored by the US Office of Naval Research
- Knowledge Acquisition - a set of pages from Epistemics really aimed more at AI-style knowlegde elicitation, but covering a range of techniques of value for task analysis
- Paterno,F. (2000). Model-Based
Design and Evaluation of Interactive Applications. London, Springer-Verlag.
Looks at the entire design lifecycle, but dealing at some length with Fabio's
which combine hierarchical task analysis with Lotos concurrency operators.
- CNUCE (where Fabio works) have developed two support tools for ConcurTaskTrees
available to download:
- CTTE - a design environment
for CTT
- EL_TaskModels - Eliciting
Task Models, a tool to help analysists gather and record task data
- D. Diaper (1997). A
Demonstration of Task Analysis Supporting Entity
Modeling, SIGCHI Bulletin, 29(1)
- P. Marti (1996). HCI
in Italy: Task-centred Design - Turning Task Modelling into Design, SIGCHI
Bulletin, 28(3)
- J. Wesson, G. de Kock and P. Warren (1995). Task
Analysis : The Missing Link in Software Development Methodologies, SAICSIT
National Research and Development Seminar, Pretoria, 25-26 May 1995.
- Martijn van Welie's page on Groupware
Task Analysis,
- D. Gillan, N. Cooke (1995). Methods
of Cognitive Analysis for HCI, CHI'95 Tutorial, Denver, Colorado.
- HCI bibliography search on task
- CHI 99 Workshop - Tool
Support for Task-Based User Interface Design,
SIGCHI Bulletin, 31(4)