
1. human
2. computer
3. interaction
4. paradigms
5. design basics
6. software process
7. design rules
8. implementation
9. evaluation
10. universal design
11. user support
12. cognitive models
13. socio-organizational
14. comm and collab
15. task models
16. dialogue
17. system models
18. rich interaction
19. groupware
20. ubicomp, VR, vis
21. hypertext and WWW


the computer





A computer system comprises various elements, each of which affects the user of the system.

  • Input devices for interactive use, allowing text entry, drawing and selection from the screen:
    • text entry: traditional keyboard, phone text entry, speech and handwriting
    • pointing: principally the mouse, but also touchpad, stylus, and others
    • 3D interaction devices
  • Output display devices for interactive use:
    • different types of screen mostly using some form of bitmap display
    • large displays and situated displays for shared and public use
    • digital paper may be usable in the near future
  • Virtual reality systems and 3D visualization have special interaction and display devices.
  • Various devices in the physical world:
    • physical controls and dedicated displays
    • sound, smell and haptic feedback
    • sensors for nearly everything including movement, temperature, bio-signs
  • Paper output and input: the paperless office and the less-paper office:
    • different types of printers and their characteristics, character styles and fonts
    • scanners and optical character recognition
  • Memory:
    • short-term memory: RAM
    • long-term memory: magnetic and optical disks
    • capacity limitations related to document and video storage
    • access methods as they limit or help the user
  • Processing:
    • the effects when systems run too slow or too fast, the myth of the infinitely fast machine
    • limitations on processing speed
    • networks and their impact on system performance.