We discussed the use of a group pointer
in a shared editor with a shared view. Consider the
advantages and problems of using a group pointer when
participants have different views. How do you show
the pointer if it is outside part of the document
you are working on? Think also about the issues when
the system is a hypertext-based co-authoring system.
Is there any use for a group pointer in this case?
The purpose of this exercise is to encourage
students to think of the various scenarios that can
arise during group editing and to encourage creative
interface thinking. Where suitable tools are available,
students can create mock-ups of their solution using
a drawing package, or even envisionments of specific
scenarios using HyperCard or a presentation tool.
Below are some ideas.
We can start off with the shared editor shown in Figure
19.8. Imagine if your colleague wanted to point to
the line starting 'Thinking about'. She could select
the 'group pointer' tool, at which point she can drag
around an icon shaped like a hand. She moves this
over the words 'Thinking about' and starts to talk
about the text (using some other means of direct communication
such as the telephone). As the phrase in question
is on both displays there is no problem about where
to display the hand: it is placed over the words 'Thinking
about' on your display. (Note that the group pointer
is at a different physical location on each display).
Arguably the group pointer is even more
important when there are separate views than when
the view is shared. With a shared view the participants
can be assured that they are seeing the same thing
and so can assume a shared context. With separate
views the participants are likely to have various
problems when they forget that the others' views are
different. For example, they will have trouble with
indexical expressions or with relative statements
'the thing at the top'. The presence of a group pointer
can help the participants to gain a shared focus.
On the other hand, the very presence
of the group pointer can encourage the participants
in a false sense of shared context. One could therefore
argue that when participants want to enter a period
of shared focus and synchronous discussion, they also
move to a shared view. However, for the rest of this
answer we'll assume that the views stay different.
What do we do when the group pointer
is outside of the view? For example, in Figure 19.8,
your colleague might move the group pointer to the
line starting 'More adaptable'. In this case, your
screen cannot display the group pointer in its correct
position. Various options suggest themselves.
One could have the hand icon appear at
the very top of your display with the finger pointing
straight upward, meaning 'see above'. Similarly, if
the group pointer were below the screen the icon could
appear at the bottom pointing down. If such icons
were displayed then the user could scroll the screen
upwards until the group focus was found. Alternatively,
one could arrange that to click on the icon scrolled
one to the correct position.
Instead of, or in addition to, these
'out of view' icons, one could use the scrollbar and
display the group pointer's position in it, thus allowing
the user to see where it is easily, and scroll there
if appropriate.
In the hypertext case, the solutions
depend very much on the particular style of the system.
If the individual nodes are large, then even if two
participants are acting on the same node they may
have different views, in which case all the above
measures become relevant. If the participants are
looking at different nodes, then the first action
of a group pointer should be to direct attention to
the node of interest. In a hypertext where the node
graph is shown, this can be achieved by displaying
the group pointer on the node of interest. Alternatively,
if the graph is not displayed, the presence of a group
pointer could be shown by adding a 'go to the focus
node' button, rather like the 'home' button in many
HyperCard stacks.
Although it is not mentioned in the question,
it is worth also considering the display of other
people's insertion points. In Figure 19.8, although
your insertion point is within your colleague's view,
it is not displayed in any way. There is no reason
why other people's insertion points should not be
displayed (suitably identified) when they fall within
your view and vice versa. In addition, one might want
some indicator on your scrollbar to show where your
colleague's current view is. Such indicators can enhance
group awareness and be a focus for initiating direct
Repeat the exercise in Section 19.6.1,
but this time look for shared data on your system.
Is the data updated by one person and viewed by many,
or have you files or databases which are updated by
several people? If the latter, find out what methods
are used to prevent two users changing the same data
at the same time. There may be no mechanism at all,
a computerized one (for example, locking) or a social
protocol (for example, a floppy disk is passed around).
There is an argument that bulletin boards
are a form of shared data, so they should certainly
be acceptable as an answer to this question, depending
on their nature at your site and also on how well
argued the answer is.
You are likely to come across a lot of
loosely shared items, where only a small group access
them. For example, the files that comprise the book
Human-Computer Interaction were shared between
the authors. Whether any sort of locking is used will
depend on the facilities available in your installation,
but typically such small-group sharing is handled
by social protocols (sometimes unsuccessfully!).
Here are some more specific examples
from one of the authors' sites:
There are centralised databases containing
phone numbers and car numbers. The former is used
in place of the internal telephone directory and the
latter when you notice some lights have been left
on in the car park! Both of these are updated centrally
by one of the administrative staff. Changes are notified
(by email) to the administrator. However, access to
the information is available to all.
Each user has a 'plan' file in their
local directory into which they can put generally
informative remarks about their whereabouts. Typically,
this might include a contact telephone number, regular
appointments a simple diary, or indeed anything of
interest. When another user enters the command 'finger
Alison', Alison's plan file is displayed. As the file
is owned by the individual user, normal access permissions
apply and so typically a user can only update their
own 'plan' file. However, through the 'finger' command
the information is publicly available.
There are also examples of publicly updateable
shared files. For example, some email groups are handled
by having a file containing the email address of each
recipient. Anyone can edit the file to add or remove
their name from this list. (In fact, they can just
as easily add or remove someone else's name!) On our
system this file has no form of protection from simultaneous
update, the assumption being that such updates are
so rare that they will never happen (really).
The lack of shared data with locking
is a reflection of the poor level of system support
in the UNIX world. Users of PC-based software should
be able to find examples of locking of shared files
or databases.
Finally, it is worth discussing the use
of implicitly shared information. For example, the
'finger' command in UNIX also tells you whether the
user is logged in and, if so, where. This is information
known to the system, but made available to the users
in such a way as to facilitate cooperation.
a) Consider the widespread use of email.
What explanations are there for its success and what
lessons can be learned from its development to assist
the design of other computer-mediated communication
(b) What are the main issues that need
to be addressed to ensure the success of email in
an organisation?
answer available for tutors only
How do you think groupware is likely
to affect our lives in the future? Justify your answer
with examples.
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(a) Low bandwidths and single media groupware systems
reduce the transmission of back channels. How does
this affect communication?
(b) Emoticons are used in text-based communication
to provide information about the mood of the sender.
Is there any need for such augmentation in audio or
video conferencing? Justify your answer.
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How effective is the time/space matrix as
a tool for classifying and analysing groupware?
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What is meant by the terms control and feedback
and feedthrough in the classification by function
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Distinguish between direct and indirect communication.
How can each be supported in groupware?
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Identify three types of shared application. What
are the main issues that need to be addressed in the
design of these applications?
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How far do technological factors limit what groupware
can achieve at present? Suggest an example of groupware
that is limited by factors other than technology.
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What are the two main architectures used for groupware
systems? Identify the strengths and limitations of
each and suggest how they can be resolved.
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A company has offices in New York and London. They
are considering using some form of video to supplement
their existing email, fax and telephone communications.
(a) Discuss the options available and potential advantages
and problems they may encounter.
(b) How would your advice be changed if the two offices
were in London and Sydney Australia?
(c) Email and video are 'just' electronic
substitutes for face-to-face conversation. What radically
different forms of groupware might the company consider
- justify your answer using examples and appropriate
theoretical frameworks.
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Find out how many different forms of
direct computer-mediated communication are available
on your system (start with email). Are they heavily
used, and if so, where do they fit in the time/space
matrix (Figure 19.9) and its refinement (Figure 19.10)?
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