Human-Computer Interaction 3e ­ Dix, Finlay, Abowd, Beale

modelling rich interaction





We operate within an ecology of people, physical artifacts and electronic systems, and this rich ecology has recently become more complex as electronic devices invade the workplace and our day-to-day lives. We need methods to deal with these rich interactions.

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chapters: introduction | 1. human | 2. computer | 3. interaction | 4. paradigms | 5. design basics | 6. software process | 7. design rules | 8. implementation | 9. evaluation | 10. universal design | 11. user support | 12. cognitive models | 13. socio-organizational | 14. comm and collab | 15. task models | 16. dialogue | 17. system models | 18. rich interaction | 19. groupware | 20. ubicomp, VR, vis | 21. hypertext and WWW | references