Human-Computer Interaction 3e ­ Dix, Finlay, Abowd, Beale






Here at the introduction section, you can find information, links etc. relating to HCI in general.

Choose a chapter from the menu on the left or from the list below to see exercises, resources and links for more specific topics.

Part One: Foundations
1. The human
2. The computer
3. The interaction
4. Paradigms
Part Two: Design Proces
5. Interaction design basics
6. HCI in the software process
7. Design rules
8. Implementation support
9. Evaluation techniques
10. Universal design
11. User support
Part Three: Models and Theories
12. Cognitive models
13. Socio-organizational issues and stakeholder requirements
14. Communication and collaboration models
15. Task analysis
16. Dialogue notations and design
17. Models of the system
18. Modelling rich interaction
Part Four: Outside the Box
19. Groupware
20. Ubiquitous computing and augmented realities
21. Hypertext, multimedia, and the world wide web
End Matter

home | about | chapters | resources | exercises | online | editions | interactive | community | search | plus +++
chapters: introduction | 1. human | 2. computer | 3. interaction | 4. paradigms | 5. design basics | 6. software process | 7. design rules | 8. implementation | 9. evaluation | 10. universal design | 11. user support | 12. cognitive models | 13. socio-organizational | 14. comm and collab | 15. task models | 16. dialogue | 17. system models | 18. rich interaction | 19. groupware | 20. ubicomp, VR, vis | 21. hypertext and WWW | references