Human-Computer Interaction 3e ­ Dix, Finlay, Abowd, Beale



Slides available in PowerPoint format below also student handouts as PDF either 3 up (3 slides plus room for notes, largest file 630K) or 6 up (6 slides per page, largest file 500K):

all PPT slides as ZIP file (11M) or tarball (gz compressed tar file, 11M)

chapter 1 (PPTX, 589K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 2 (PPTX, 935K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 3 (PPTX, 625K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
    plus extra on choosing widgets (PPTX, 469K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 4 (PPTX, 729K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
    plus extra on history and innovators in HCI (PPTX, 1.1M) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 5 (PPTX, 585K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 6 (PPTX, 294K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 7 (PPTX, 522K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 8 (PPTX, 529K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 9 (PPTX, 543K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 10 (PPTX, 555K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 11 (PPTX, 511K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 12 (PPTX, 282K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 13 (PPTX, 568K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 14 (PPTX, 470K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 15 (PPTX, 397K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 16 (PPTX, 497K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 17 (PPTX, 562K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
    plus extra on understanding state (PPTX, 232K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 18 (PPTX, 740K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 19 (PPTX, 1.0M) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 20 (PPTX, 1.0M) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare
chapter 21 (PPTX, 845K) plus handouts (3up, 6up); and on slideshare

multiple choice questions available to tutors on request

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